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You are thinking about spending the winter in a warm country. Holiday homes are the perfect alternative to hotels. They are more spacious, offer more privacy and comfort, which gives you more value for your money.

Living somewhere else during the winter may even be cheaper than staying at home. How much cheaper or more expensive it will be, is completely up to you; What is your destination, how will you travel, where will you stay, but also, how are you organising things at home? Even with a small budget spending the winter somewhere else is a realistic option!  

For many years, the South of Spain has been the most popular destination to spend the winter for people in Northern and Western Europe. The wonderful climate, healthy lifestyle, culture and Mediterranean atmosphere in gorgeous surroundings make countless people travel to the beautiful South during the winter.  

Spending the winter in another country is not something for everybody to do. Many people want to try it out first, or they don't want the same destination every year. In that case, renting a holiday accommodation is a better and cheaper option.  

Every year, more people decide to spend the winter in a holiday accommodation. If you are one of these people, you might have noticed that the usual travel agent is not the best option here.

Usually they cannot help you with a journey lasting longer than four weeks. For this reason you have to book your flight and your accommodation separately, or you'll have to use your own transportation.  

We offer you a selection of accommodations suitable to spend the winter in, for a reasonable price, including water, energy, Satellite TV and internet via WIFI.  

Are you looking for the right accommodation and do you have any questions? Please contact us and ask your questions. We will be able to help you!


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